I graduate tomorrow morning, and I have the practice for it tonight!
I don't talk about it much but if you told me after I almost flunked my first semester that I'd graduate this year, I wouldn't have believed you. I was told by everyone in my personal life that it was all my fault and that I was on the track to go right back to being institutionalized which made me feel awful. I hate being seen as only a mentally ill freak and no one in my life was helping.
So I can't say for sure what got me turned around, but I'm guessing it was just that I wanted to throw up a big middle finger to my abusive, manipulative family and say that I'm more than a bipolar loser. I'm very happy to be graduating and I'm very happy that I've stood up to my abusers and told them I'm not taking that shit anymore.
I continue at another university in the fall for another two years, my next step is moving out on my own and going no contact with my parents, as they're the one thing that still holds me back. I feel good to be finally done with this shit after all this time :)